4 supplements I used to recommend but don’t anymore

Ya know those moments when you learn something new and you can feel your brain exploding a lil bit?


Like when I found out that smearing a lil peanut butter on the bathtub wall while you give your pup a bath keeps them from trying to claw their way outta the tub (so clutch.)


Or that putting rock-hard avocados in a bag with some apples ripens them perfectly overnight (yep, it really works!)


Or that vitamin B6 actually REALLY makes a difference in morning sickness (oh yeah, I'm 11 weeks preggie! 🤰🥰)


Well my mind was ACTUALLY BLOWN when I invested in Nutrition by Robyn's functional nutrition practitioner program & learned what I know now about these 4 popular supplements & how they may cause more harm than good if not done properly…


After learning about these nutrients & their biochemistry on a deeper level, these guys quickly went from some of my most commonly recommended supps to rarely recommended. 


K your mind is probs spinning atm, so let’s nerd out:


01. Vitamin D

Low vitamin D is typically less of a vitamin D deficiency & more of a magnesium deficiency or chronic inflammation. We need magnesium to convert and USE vitamin D. Without adequate magnesium, vitamin D will appear low in your lab work. Likewise, if inflammation goes unchecked or you have a stealth infection, vitamin D will stay in its active form making it appear low on your bloodwork. So, addressing magnesium insufficiencies and unchecked inflammation/infection are my first go-to's when working with a client with low vitamin D!


Here's where excess vitamin D supplementation can become problematic: Vitamin D and vitamin A compete at the same cell receptor. (Alllll nutrients are synergistic!) So taking high doses long term can drive down vitamin A. And Vitamin A is critical for our immune system, allowing thyroid hormone to bind to our cells (think metabolism!), & iron recycling (keep reading). 

02. Vitamin C

Don’t get me wrong, vitamin C is ESSENTIAL for proper immune function and is still a phenomenal nutrient to have in your toolkit. BUT many vitamin C supplements contain only ascorbic acid, which is only ONE derivative of vitamin C. And ascorbic acid depletes bioavailable copper. We need copper to make energy, support our metabolism, support our immune system, regulate iron recycling, signal production of thyroid hormone, and more! Instead of ascorbic acid supplements, I recommend whole food sources of vitamin C like berries, bell peppers, kiwi, citrus, and camu camu powder (goes great in smoothies!).


03. Zinc

Too much zinc can drive down bioavailable copper (which we need to keep iron in motion throughout the body!). Zinc and copper share a delicate balance, kind of like a see-saw! When one goes high, the other goes low. 


Sometimes zinc supplementation IS necessary (as in cases with high copper), but both nutrients should be monitored via bloodwork throughout supplementation to make sure they stay in proper balance.

04. Iron 

Everythinggggg I learned about iron in functional medicine training goes against the grain of conventional teachings. We have a nifty built-in iron recycling system (called the reticuloendothelial system) that, if working properly, allows us to MAKE 24 mg iron/day (for perspective, the recommended daily intake is 18 mg/day).


To oversimplify this v. complex system, we need vitamin A and bioavailable copper to make a protein called ceruloplasmin that moves iron around throughout the body (think of it as a shuttle). 


Remember how excess vitamin D can deplete vitamin A and how too much vitamin C and zinc can deplete bioavailable copper? Welp, that's a recipe for iron getting STUCK in tissues (we want it flowing freely from blood to tissues and back to blood).


When iron is stuck in tissues, it can feed infections and fuel inflammation! If you struggle with gut infections like SIBO, candida, or H Pylori, addressing iron recycling issues is a biggie for root cause healing.

Now, there are certain situations in which supplementation of these nutrients may be necessary. This is the benefit of working 1-1 with a practitioner who can order labs, make specific recommendations, and monitor for you.

In my practice, any supplementation of these nutrients is done so with synergistic nutrients in mind, as well as addressing root causes as to why they may be low in the first place.


Imagine what it would feel like to know you're doing exactly what your body needs? 


Fueling your body with foods rich in nutrients that it craves…


Addressing inflammation or gut infections that are at the root of your symptoms and nutrient deficiencies…


Feeling confident that you're not wasting $$$ on random supplements that may or may not move the needle in your health…


I've guided hundreds of women out of the fog of hormone imbalance, chronic fatigue, and digestive issues into more vibrant versions of themselves where they're able to live their lives to the fullest & be more present with their loved ones.


THIS is root cause medicine! And it blows my mind over and over again.


I currently have spots open for 1-1 coaching! If you think this is something you've been needing to get your health in a happier place, click here to apply for 1-1 support.

XO, Jenny


high school health class failed us


bye bye period probs